Shapping the foundation for
Sustainable & Resilient Insurance and Pension Fund

19-20 / September / 2023
Shangri-la Hotel, Jakarta

IFG International Conference is 'The Most Progressive International Conference of Insurance and Pension Fund in Indonesia,' an annual conference organized by the Indonesia Financial Group (IFG), a state-owned enterprise (SOE/BUMN) strategic holding company of insurance and underwriting companies. IFG International Conference gathers global speakers, policymakers, and industry players in the financial industry for two days of panel discussions, case studies, and presentations addressing the most pressing issues regarding the insurance and pension fund in Indonesia in the constantly evolving landscape.

Shaping the Foundations for Sustainable & Resilient Insurance and Pension Fund

At the IFG International Conference 2023, we initiate the platform for policymakers, industrial players, and other relevant parties to discuss and debate current and future challenges facing the Insurance and Pension Fund development in Indonesia.

Presenting more than 20 global and regional experts,we invite you to gain insight and be part of the discussion on how fast-changing ecosystems boost Insurance and Pension Fund Penetration in Indonesia.

IFG International Conference 2023 will connect hundreds of leading practitioners, industry players, regulators, experts, and academics from the financial industry worldwide.

Join Us To Become a Part in Redefining Insurance and Pension Fund Industry in Indonesia.

Keynote Speakers

Suahasil Nazara

Vice Minister of Finance

Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia

Mirza Adityaswara

Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

Nawal Nely

Deputy for Finance and Risk Management

Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

Haru Koesmahargyo

Vice President Director

Indonesia Financial Group